At some point in your career, you’re going to feel the itch to try out something new. First off, that’s totally normal. We always wonder if the grass really is greener on the other side; and it’s completely understandable to want to find out.


However, acting on that desire is a different story. It absolutely can be done, but it’s a big decision and requires a good bit of change.


Read on to learn our tips for taking the plunge and pivoting your career…the right way.


Understand the Risk

Pivoting your career is making a massive change. And with change, comes risk. The good news is often, high risk = high reward. You could be in a career that is holding you back and making the pivot could be the big break you need.


However, be incredibly mindful of the timing of your career pivot. Usually, the rule is, the younger you are the bigger risks you can take because you have time to recover if needed. Don’t let this deter you if you are mature in your career and want a change. Simply understand that you need to go about this mindfully and have all your ducks in a row.


Determine What You Want

Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Before you send in your two weeks’ notice at your current job, ensure that you know what you are looking for in your pivot. What is it about your current industry you don’t enjoy? What do you want from your next role? Make a list so you clearly know what should be on the lookout for.


Check in on Your Network

If you’re entering an industry for the first time, it can be a big help to have a few people in your corner. When you know what exactly you are looking to shift to, let your network know and see if they can help you with the adjustment. Perhaps someone knows a hiring manager at your dream company and can get you in touch with them. Maybe you have a friend with years of experience who can talk you through the ins and outs.


Determine Your Professional Value

The hard part about entering a new industry is that you don’t have experience directly in that line of work. However, you can still give a great first impression and show your professional value. Think through your current skills and pinpoint how they will transfer into your new industry. The key is to be adaptable.



About Debi

Debi is a coach to high performers, leaders and business owners wanting to achieve more and grow beyond what they believe is possible. Known for her clarifying insight and a pragmatic approach, Debi brings her clients to the next step by asking the right questions during strategy development and supporting them during strategy implementation. With experience in management, recruitment and employee development for various industries, she has a wide scope of expertise and will confidently guide you towards a successful future in your career.

Ready to take your career to the next level? 

Let’s chat. Schedule a complimentary call to discuss innovative solutions to your specific needs.



Wow. Who would have thought back in March 2020 that over two years would go by before many of us transitioned back to the office after working from home? I sure didn’t see that coming! Many companies have determined that a fulltime work from home schedule is the right direction post-pandemic, while others are slowly beginning to welcome employees back, even if just part-time.


You may have mixed feelings about returning, or you may be on the edge of your seat ready to get back. Regardless of your thoughts towards the transition, it’s important to take time prior to returning to consider a few things prior to the big day.


Read on to learn our tops tips for transitioning back to the office after working from home.


Bring Back Positive HabitsChances are, when you moved from an office environment to a home environment, you adjusted a few approaches to your workday. Perhaps when you were in the office you never took breaks, and now in your home environment you like to take breaks every couple of hours to stretch your legs and go for a quick 20-minute walk. I’ll bet when you sit back down to your work after walking, you’re more productive than before. Consider taking things types of habits back to the office with you. The occasional walk, tea break, etc. won’t make or break your efficiency. But they may help slow your burn out, increase positivity in your mood, and create an overall better experience in the workplace.


Eliminate Negative Behaviors

While you created positive habits at home, chances are you introduced some negative ones as well. Unfortunately snoozing your alarm until right before your 9am meeting isn’t going to cut it anymore. The sweatpants and extra-long lunch breaks aren’t going to either. Take inventory of the less-than-ideal choices you’ve adopted and start working on removing those today.


Set Expectations with your Leader

The transition back to the office may affect each person differently. Be sure to have a chat with your leader about expectations. Perhaps when working from home, you were able to log off early to pick up your children from school. Work with your leader to determine clear expectations so both parties can be comfortable with the changes.


Leaders, Set Expectations with your Team

And to leaders, be aware of the difficulties this transition may create for your team. Many may have children who were born during COVID-19 and they are going to have to regularly be away from them for the first time since their birth. Perhaps some team members made lifestyle changes that the transition will affect substantially. It’s okay to enforce the transition but be empathetic and try to work with your team as much as possible.


Begin Prepping Now

You’ve probably been given a couple of weeks to prepare for the return. Therefore, start preparing now. Begin waking up earlier, adjust routines with family members and pets, etc. It’ll be easier for everyone involved if you start today, and your first day back won’t be nearly as impactful.


Are you going back to the office soon?



About Debi

Debi is a coach to high performers, leaders and business owners wanting to achieve more and grow beyond what they believe is possible. Known for her clarifying insight and a pragmatic approach, Debi brings her clients to the next step by asking the right questions during strategy development and supporting them during strategy implementation. With experience in management, recruitment and employee development for various industries, she has a wide scope of expertise and will confidently guide you towards a successful future in your career.

Ready to take your career to the next level? 

Let’s chat. Schedule a complimentary call to discuss innovative solutions to your specific needs.


You have received the call or email, and it’s official: you’ve earned a job offer! How exciting! All your hard work paid off, and it’s time to celebrate. But wait, another offer comes your way. How do you choose between the two options?


The good news is the ball is completely in your court. You have all the power here. But you have to make a decision. What should the deciding factors be in your final choice? How do you know that you’re going to make the right decision for your future?


Read on to learn our top tips to decipher between which of two job offers is the right one for you.


Consider your long-term career goals


Chances are, one of your offers is going to have a more attractive compensation package than the other. Don’t let money make your decision for you. How would each position align with your future career goals? Will one offer allow you to grow in a specific skill set that could get you closer to where you want to be faster than the other? Which job gives you better exposure to projects and people that can help you elevate your current career path?


Consider quality of life


We often change jobs because we want a better quality of life. Look at the two offers that have been given to you and consider how each will affect your work life balance. Does one job pay more, but you will average 80 hours in the office per week? Is that worth it to you? Look at the vacation time allotment and see if it aligns with your current lifestyle. A new job should make your life better, so you want to be sure to consider the work life balance.


Consider the culture


Nowadays, companies are realizing the importance of having a high-quality culture in the workplace. What does each company do to ensure that they are employees feel cared for and supported while at work? When you interviewed, which process, and people made you feel the most comfortable and excited to continue getting to know them?


Consider your future leader


A leader can make or break your satisfaction with a job. You most likely met this individual during your interviewing process. What is their communication style? How do they support their team? You will be spending a ton of time with this person, so you want to ensure that you can build a solid relationship with them that makes you feel comfortable, respected, and advocated for.


Again, you are in a great position here. Not many people have multiple job offers at the same time, so congratulations! No matter what, there will be pros and cons to both jobs. That’s just how working works. However, with proper consideration, and a little bit of trusting your gut, I know that you will make the right decision for you. Good luck!




About Debi

Debi is a coach to high performers, leaders and business owners wanting to achieve more and grow beyond what they believe is possible. Known for her clarifying insight and a pragmatic approach, Debi brings her clients to the next step by asking the right questions during strategy development and supporting them during strategy implementation. With experience in management, recruitment and employee development for various industries, she has a wide scope of expertise and will confidently guide you towards a successful future in your career.


Ready to take your career to the next level? 


Let’s chat. Schedule a complimentary call to discuss innovative solutions to your specific needs.






You can google “Top Habits of Successful People” and find thousands of articles and videos promising the top tips to rise to the top. But what about the habits that you should break? What if certain behaviors are what’s keeping you from experiencing success? We’ve accumulated the top 5 habits that create hinderances in the workplace.


Read on to learn more and see what habits you should break to ensure success.


Habit 1: Fearing Failure


Here’s a hard truth: you are going to fail at a lot of things in life. You know what’s wonderful about that? Failure is the opportunity to learn. In fact, the faster you fail, the faster you can figure out the right way to go about something.


When you catch yourself fearing potential failure, think about what the absolute worst-case scenario is. Let yourself go there in your head. Is it getting fired? Okay, you’ll get another job. Are you fearful of embarrassing yourself? Consider this: can you remember anyone else’s embarrassing moments in life? Probably not. If you were to do or say something momentarily embarrassing, chances are, no one will remember it. When you let go of fearing failure, you gain freedom.


Habit 2: Allowing Negative Self-Talk


One of my favorite quotes is “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm” (Ralph Waldo Emerson). Nothing good comes from thinking negatively, or talking poorly, about yourself. If you tell yourself that you aren’t good at something, chances are, you won’t be. Lift yourself up! You’re not going to get everything right. In fact, you’re going to get a lot of things wrong. But maintaining a positive attitude, recognizing that you are trying, and embracing grace will get you miles further than if you see yourself in a negative light.


Habit 3: Avoiding Collaboration


We all tend to think that our ideas are the best ones. To be successful in the workplace, you need to let go of this ideology. Yes, your recommendations and approaches to projects are probably great. However, what if someone else has thought of something you haven’t considered before? What if their input could take your ideas to the next level and creates success for both of you?


Habit 4: Entertaining Distractions


Put. Your. Phone. Away. Technology has changed so much of our lives for the better. We’re more efficient, can automate tasks, and connect with one another in ways we’ve never had the ability to before. Unfortunately, devices can also create immense distraction. Constant notifications and content flashing across your screen makes it very difficult to stay on task and keep focused. When working, turn your phone on to the Do Not Disturb setting and set limits on your social media usage. Try going one hour without checking your phone. Chances are, you’ll see a major difference in your productivity.


Habit 5: Burning Bridges


The business world is surprisingly a small one. Everyone knows someone who knows someone else, who knows you. Be mindful of how you treat your professional relationships. Treat others with kindness and integrity. Be especially careful when you’re leaving a company. Even if you had a negative experience and are excited to leave, remain respectful and leave on good terms. You never know who you may run into later on down the road.


What other habits should you break to ensure success?



About Debi

Debi is a coach to high performers, leaders and business owners wanting to achieve more and grow beyond what they believe is possible. Known for her clarifying insight and a pragmatic approach, Debi brings her clients to the next step by asking the right questions during strategy development and supporting them during strategy implementation. With experience in management, recruitment and employee development for various industries, she has a wide scope of expertise and will confidently guide you towards a successful future in your career.


Ready to take your career to the next level? 

Let’s chat. Schedule a complimentary call to discuss innovative solutions to your specific needs.

As the years go on, we are seeing more and more companies go global. Nowadays, employees can be connected with the click of a button, and talk in real time, thousands of miles apart. With today’s reality and technologies, more companies are heading towards a worldwide approach to gain a competitive advantage through diversity and local expertise. And, if nothing else, someone’s always awake.


Leading a global team requires stellar leadership and effective communication skills coupled with dynamic cultural awareness. Deliberate effort is required to communicate and motivate a global team impactfully.


Leading a global team comes with great challenges, such as different time zones, cultural differences, work habits, language barriers. But overcoming these barriers is essential in today’s global business era. Read on to learn how you can be set up for success when leading your international team.


Have a firm grasp of the cultural composition of your team.

Understanding other cultures are important. For example, certain phrases or hand gestures may be perfectly fine in one culture, while they are seen as rude or offensive in another. Before welcoming a new team member or interacting with someone from a different culture, take a few minutes to research and check what’s appropriate and what’s not. And when in doubt, eer on the side of caution.


Create a communication policy.

To avoid overload of information across various communication platforms, it is essential to have about two to three communication platforms whose usage is detailed in a communication policy, i.e., these communication platforms specify when, why, and how to use them to accomplish work objectives. For instances, you may only use Microsoft Teams for meetings and non-essential communication. All information that may need to be referenced later should take place over email.


Build a community.

Try your best to build community across the timezones. Leveraging technology usage to foster collaboration and ongoing communication across different time zones nurtures and expands empowerment across the teams. Try to schedule team calls for times that fit for everyone, and where you can’t, give each time zone a turn burning the midnight oil.

This inevitably creates a sense of belonging for all the team members, as each team member feels seen, heard, and welcomed.


Encourage transparency.

This is usually achieved through deliberate moments, such as having informal sessions to share what is going on around you or with you before the meeting starts. Schedule “Office Hour” style meetings with your team that have zero agenda beyond asking questions and receiving transparent answers. Where you can, be as honest as possible with your team and empathize with their challenges.


Get out of your comfort (and time!) zone more often.

To lead a global team, a leader must be very flexible. Getting out of your comfort zone includes the wiliness to experiment with different time zones. Frequently check up on the team members, asking questions and keeping open communication to cultivate understanding, and more importantly, patience.



About Debi

Debi is a coach to high performers, leaders and business owners wanting to achieve more and grow beyond what they believe is possible. Known for her clarifying insight and a pragmatic approach, Debi brings her clients to the next step by asking the right questions during strategy development and supporting them during strategy implementation. With experience in management, recruitment and employee development for various industries, she has a wide scope of expertise and will confidently guide you towards a successful future in your career.

“The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them.” – John Maxwell


The world is changing and so are the expectations of leadership. What worked in the past is no longer relevant or enough for the workplace today. In the coming years, the business landscape will look completely different. The leaders of the future will need to adopt a new set of skills to effectively lead in new times. Regardless of the circumstances, successful leaders are the ones who have the courage to embrace change and open to learning new skills and grow.


Several disruptive forces will impact the future of business and leadership. The changes can result in challenges for leadership. However, as with all challenges there are also opportunities for growth. Read on to learn about the opportunities for growth within the constantly evolving business world.


Expanding Technology

Technology is evolving fast and is rapidly changing the way organizations work. Internet of Things, Cloud infrastructure, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are expected to be top technology trends. According to Grant Thornton’s 2019 International Business Report, 42% of leaders feel the rise of the digitally connected world to be the biggest change, followed by AI and big data (40%), and then automation and robotics (35%). Looking forward, leaders must be open to new technology while also helping to dispel fears around technology replacing human employees.


Increased Globalization

Technology is facilitating globalization which mean that the world is becoming more connected than ever before. Organizations and businesses are no longer limited by a geographical boundary but are now able to work and communicate with people from all over the globe. Modern businesses have customers around the world and the pool of talent available is ever-increasing. The leaders of the future will have to embrace and appreciate cultural diversity to benefit their organizations and make a better impact.


Leadership Skills for the Future

The skills and capabilities required for effective leadership in the future will continue to evolve. In recent years, leaders have learned the necessity of quality social and emotional skills. They’ve learned that having emotional intelligence is not simply an option, but a necessity. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and regulate your emotions and manage the effect on others. Future leaders are expected to be emotionally intelligent with traits like empathy, compassion, and better listening ability. It will help leaders better communicate with a diverse staff.


Leaders will also need to be adaptable in a constantly changing world. Adapting to the changes in industry will help business leaders increase profits by adjusting operations and processes for modern times. The future workplace will be more diverse and inclusive and leaders will need to have a good understanding of how to manage diversity at organizations. It is important to create a work environment that addresses the needs of a diverse staff.


As workplaces become more dependent on technology and robots, leaders will have to foster collaboration and support and encourage employees to continuously improve skills. Last but not the least leaders will need motivational skills to keep their teams and staff positive through any challenges.


“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,


About Debi

Debi is a coach to high performers, leaders and business owners wanting to achieve more and grow beyond what they believe is possible. Known for her clarifying insight and a pragmatic approach, Debi brings her clients to the next step by asking the right questions during strategy development and supporting them during strategy implementation. With experience in management, recruitment and employee development for various industries, she has a wide scope of expertise and will confidently guide you towards a successful future in your career.



The future of business is here. As we all know much too well, COVID-19 forced organizations and businesses around the world to rapidly adjust to a remote working situation. Despite the many benefits of a telecommuting arrangement, many leaders are finding that managing their remote teams and companies can be challenging. Understandably, most companies were not prepared to rework their entire organizational set up in a matter of days. Also, for managers who are used to a traditional, face-to-face workspace, remote leadership does not come naturally, and they find it hard to oversee their teams online.


Leading your department or your organization remotely comes with its own challenges. For example, monitoring employee productivity while providing flexibility is a balancing act. In addition, employees may find themselves isolated and it becomes your job to keep them motivated. Without a proper remote leadership strategy, you might find yourself struggling.


According to a report published by The Guardian, the shift to remote work might continue even after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. As employees realize the freedom and flexibility of working from home, they might want to continue the practice. In the 2020 State of Remote Work report, 98% of workers stated that they would like to continue remote work for the rest of their career, at least some of the time.

The good news is that leading a remote workforce does not have to be a difficult job. With the right tools and the right approach, you can be a successful remote leader to a thriving team.


Read on to learn our top tips for leading a remote workforce.


Define expectations

One of the best things you can do to ensure a smooth remote working experience for yourself and your team is to clearly define and communicate expectations. This will keep employees motivated to be productive as they know exactly what is expected of them and when. And for you, it will help you avoid micromanagement and strained relationships.


Embrace flexibility

Remote work is all about embracing flexibility. To be an effective leader you must trust your staff to have the ability to manage their working hours and stay on top of the tasks. Many of your employees are balancing their family responsibilities along with work so they’ll appreciate flexible hours. If they need to log on an hour later, but their work is completed in pristine condition, there’s no reason to take issue.


Leverage technology

Using technology to your advantage can help you be an effective leader as you remotely manage your staff. There are a lot of tools available for communication, organization, and time management. Check in with your team through apps like Zoom and Microsoft Teams to maintain effective communication. Project management tools will help you keep track of employee performance and work progress.


Stay available

Remote work can lead many employees to feeling left out and isolated. They can no longer simply walk down to your office to discuss an important matter, but now have to schedule time virtually. Make sure you convey a sense of being available to your staff. You may set office hours or schedule regular meetings to keep everyone connected and ensure that you’re there to listen to their concerns and problems.


Address the struggles

While some people thrive in a remote work environment, others might find it hard. According to the 2020 State of Remote Work report, the biggest struggles for remote workers are collaboration and communication, loneliness, and inability to unplug from the day. As a leader you can help them create systems to deal with the challenges that are expected.


Various studies have shown that employees with flexible working environment are happier, loyal, and more productive.


What are your best tips for leading a remote workforce?



About Debi

Debi is a coach to high performers, leaders and business owners wanting to achieve more and grow beyond what they believe is possible. Known for her clarifying insight and a pragmatic approach, Debi brings her clients to the next step by asking the right questions during strategy development and supporting them during strategy implementation. With experience in management, recruitment and employee development for various industries, she has a wide scope of expertise and will confidently guide you towards a successful future in your career.

Can you believe it’s already that time of year again? As we embrace the holiday season, we also begin to think about the year ahead. What will 2022 bring? What do we want to leave behind in 2021?


Every year, I like to make a list of intentions for the upcoming year. What do I want to start, eliminate, improve on, and more. However, it can be easy to become a bit too ambitious when creating your intentions, leaving you discouraged and frustrated when they don’t come to fruition. Let’s walk through how to create attainable goals that you can stick through in the upcoming year.


Step 1: Take Inventory

Before you create new goals, it’s important to take a look at what went well and what didn’t in the previous year. Did you intend to exercise 5 times a week, but only went twice a week? Were you planning on arriving to work 30 minutes early each day, but only managed 10 minutes? Don’t feel discouraged, this is data that will help you in creating this year’s intentions.


The point of creating intentions for the new year is to decide on small changes that you can stick to. If last year you only made it to the gym twice a week but wanted to go 5 times, set an intention to average 3 visits per week. It’s a small step up from last year, without being unreachable.


Step 2: Don’t Be Scared to Add Something New

As the saying goes, “New year, new you”. 2022 is a fresh start filled with possibilities. What do you want to try this year that you’ve never done before? What do you want to improve on? Don’t be afraid to add an intention or two to your list that is a bit out of left field. The key is it needs to be attainable. Do you have resources to achieve this goal? Do you have the time? If so, give it a shot!


Step 3: Recognize that Things Change

It’s important to recognize that as the year goes on, circumstances change and therefore intentions may change. The trick is, don’t give up on them, simply adapt. If February comes and your intention of going to bed at 10pm isn’t feasible anymore due to uncontrollable circumstances, simply adjust them based on what you can control. Perhaps 10pm isn’t an option anymore, but 11pm is. Don’t throw in the towel, just be flexible.


Step 4: Start Early

Who’s to say that new intentions must begin on January 1st? Having a hard start date to suddenly make several changes can be intimidating and set you up for failure. Instead, start subtly adding your intentions in now. Start your monthly reading intention now. Begin working on your 64oz of water per day today. By giving your intentions a chance before the big day, you’re creating habits and routines that lessen the blow.


Step 5: Give Yourself Grace

As much as we want to be perfect and achieve all that we set out to, most of the time life doesn’t work out the way we planned. Your list of intentions may not come to fruition the way you wanted them to, and that’s okay. The point of creating intentions is to make yourself just a little bit better than the year before. And if you’re only able to consistently accomplish one thing on the list next year, that means you’re just that much better than this year. And that is something to be proud of.


What’s on your list of intentions for 2022?




About Debi

Debi is a coach to high performers, leaders and business owners wanting to achieve more and grow beyond what they believe is possible. Known for her clarifying insight and a pragmatic approach, Debi brings her clients to the next step by asking the right questions during strategy development and supporting them during strategy implementation. With experience in management, recruitment and employee development for various industries, she has a wide scope of expertise and will confidently guide you towards a successful future in your career.

One of the best parts of the holiday season is the communal effort that is made towards expressing appreciation and showing others we care. Whether through time spent together, gifts, kind thoughts, or more, showing gratitude for the people, experiences, and opportunities that have gotten us where we are today is the best way to keep a positive perspective when life gets tough. It can be easy to focus on what we don’t have, when in reality, we’ve been given so much. It’s all about the bigger picture.

Let’s discuss how you can have a grateful heart this holiday season.

Remember Where You’ve Been

When looking for ways to increase your gratitude, you should start with remembering where you’ve been in comparison to where you are now. Did you come from a household where you were the first child to go to college, and now your child is wrapping up their first semester? That’s amazing! Did you experience some sort of health scare and have since turned it around? Congratulations!


Remember the tough moments gives you the realization that you’ve experienced challenges, or were able to avoid challenges, that got you to where you are now. You’ve pushed through, you’ve overcome, and you’ve made it. That’s something to be grateful for.


Recognize Who’s Helped Along the Way

Alongside expressing appreciation for the past, remember those who’ve stood with you throughout the journey. The individuals who’ve advocated for you and been with you at your highest highs and lowest lows.


Acknowledging those who’ve helped you along the way is an excellent reminder to be the person that you needed to others. Reciprocate for this people and be the friend, family member, and co-worker that they were to you.


Thank Yourself

Lastly, don’t forget to show gratitude for YOURSELF. Your mind is intelligent, it’s helped you in your career. Your body is strong and helps you maneuver through life in a healthy way. Your personality gives you the ability to build relationships and relate to others. When it gets down to it, you are the closest friend you will ever have, so be gracious to yourself! Take yourself out for coffee and get the large this time. Enjoy some well-deserved PTO and go explore an area you’ve never visited before. You’ve been along for the journey this entire time, so be kind and appreciative to yourself.


Show Gratitude Year-round

Being grateful isn’t just for the holiday season. In fact, those who express gratitude year-round are happier, healthier, and life longer. Take a few moments each day, whether while driving to the office or when drinking your morning coffee, to think of 3 things that you are grateful for that day. You can keep a journal of your gratitude lists too, if you’re a more tactile person. You’ll be surprised how many small things, from good weather to a smile from a co-worker can completely make your day.


What are you grateful for right now?




About Debi

Debi is a coach to high performers, leaders and business owners wanting to achieve more and grow beyond what they believe is possible. Known for her clarifying insight and a pragmatic approach, Debi brings her clients to the next step by asking the right questions during strategy development and supporting them during strategy implementation. With experience in management, recruitment and employee development for various industries, she has a wide scope of expertise and will confidently guide you towards a successful future in your career.

When performing the same job year in and year out, it’s easy to become content in your role or company. You know the dynamics, you understand the expectations, and you are comfortable with the organization as a whole. But what if it’s time to move on? How do you know when is the right time? Does a certain event happen, or not happen? Is there a sudden moment when the feeling is right?

Let’s break down how you can know when it may be time to move on from your current company.

You’re Stagnant
A major benefit to working in a corporate environment is the ability to advance, whether through your skills and responsibilities, or position. If you’ve noticed that there has been zero growth in any of these areas for the past several months, or even years, it may be time to consider moving on.

However, do note that stagnation doesn’t always have to be solved with an exit. Schedule some time with your leader to let them know that you are ready to take on additional or different responsibilities and share with them your career goals. There is a chance that because you haven’t voiced your desire for change, they are assuming you prefer things how they are.

There’s Constant Attrition
Companies experience highs and lows with their retention rates. Some years, everyone wants to work at a certain organization, and other years, that same organization may struggle to keep employees happy. However, if you’re noticing a consistent pattern of co-workers leaving the company for other opportunities, that may mean it’s time to pause and consider a change for yourself. Most of the time, if large amounts of employees are leaving the company, that means that there are better opportunities elsewhere.

If you’re have strong relationships with co-workers who are saying goodbye, sit down with them (preferably out of the office) and respectfully pick their brain as the why they’ve decided the company is no longer the right fit for them. Who knows, their reasons may solidify your decision to stay, or, you may recognize your desire for change as well.

You’re Having More Bad Days Than Good Ones
Work is called work for a reason. It’s not always supposed to be fun, easy, or something that you’d want to do in your free time. However, it should be relatively enjoyable, and something that you have some interest in. If you’re realizing that every day is draining, upsetting, or burdensome, it’s time to move on. While work isn’t always a walk in the park, it shouldn’t be severely affecting your quality of life.

You Simply Want To
There doesn’t always have to be a major reason to desire moving into a different company. Sometimes there’s simply an itch, and it’s okay to follow that feeling. Take your time and look around to see what’s out there. However, do not share with your employer (or anyone at your company if you can) that you are looking around at other opportunities. That is a sure-fire way to lose out on potential promotions, raises, or even your own job before you have another plan in place.

There isn’t a simple answer if you are questioning when it’s time to move on. However, if the thought has crossed your mind, it may be time to explore and simply see what exists out there.


About Debi
Debi is a coach to high performers, leaders and business owners wanting to achieve more and grow beyond what they believe is possible. Known for her clarifying insight and a pragmatic approach, Debi brings her clients to the next step by asking the right questions during strategy development and supporting them during strategy implementation. With experience in management, recruitment and employee development for various industries, she has a wide scope of expertise and will confidently guide you towards a successful future in your career.

Ready to take your career to the next level?
Let’s chat. Schedule a call to discuss innovative solutions to your specific needs.